Happy birthday, Jon, and happy belated birthdays to Benno and Beverly!
As for aurelia's landlord--ugh. And, boy, does that sound familiar. On Saturday, my heat didn't kick on until around 3:00 or so in the afternoon, and even though I have no idea how cold it was before then, the cat had no problem curling on top of me for extended periods while I shivered under my afghan, so we shared body heat for a while. The pads of her feet would be cold when she first jumped on top of me, but that might have been because she likes to scratch on the windows when she sees something interesting outstide.
Even though I really don't want to be at work (only support staff had to show up today, so the parking lot was only about 1/3rd full), at least it'll probably be pretty quiet, and I can get stuff done. Not only that, but I'll be able to warm up for the first time since Friday night.
We could decree today Snowday.
We really don't have that much snow.
We can complicate it even more if we figure timezones in.
Does it count if I'll be doing timezone tango this weekend?
::waves to SA::
Miss you! We should talk soon.
We really don't have that much snow.
Ah, but KY does, and that is such a unique event that it impacts the
whole wide world!
Or not.
House is on tonight, so hey, that actually works...
Must remember! 9 EST?
You should totally do it! It would be awesome, and we might even get to cross paths. :)
Oooh. This is starting to sound promising.
today so far:
discovered milk was bad (after pouring it on cereal)
watched DVRd tv (2.5 hours so far)
scheduled time for craigslist pick-up (2pm)
coordinated seeing a movie this afternoon with friend (Something New)
Now to watch more tv, shower, maybe repaint nails.
This is starting to sound promising.
Go promising! Choose promising!
Happy birthday, Beverly and Benno and Jon B!
GA stuff:
dad has been alive and well in the same city for 20 years and has made no attempt to see her! I think Ellis' contempt for him was entirely deserved. He seems one of those utterly passive people who makes no decision or move on their own, but defers completely to the strongest personality in the room.
I too want a video of
the Yang/Burke dance! How cute that she was initially embarrassed, then went, "fuckit, he's seen me come," and started dancing for him! How cute that he went, "WTF?" and then started dancing too! I love them.
Birthday happies and belateds to all the happy birthdayers.
At work. Still feel like crap like I did all weekend, and got nothing done I wanted to (or should have). Meh.