At least twice I've showed up to an event dressed the same as my sister. At least once, I think we were wearing the same brands of shirt and pants too.
More often than not at my last job I'd show up dressed like the gay guy who had the office nearest my desk. This saddened my mother.
At least twice I've showed up to an event dressed the same as my sister. At least once, I think we were wearing the same brands of shirt and pants too.
Oh, lord, my sister and I went through a period of a couple of months once when we were living in the same place, but didn't see each other before/while dressing, and came out practically the same every single day. There was a lot of sentence finishing, too. Weirdness.
I don't think my sister and I will ever dress like again. Those roads have diverged. I'm some sort of girly girl with a boot fetish, and she's adamantly casual.
Of the 11 people here today, 7 of them are wearing hoodies (including me) Ah, the businesslike nature of post-production.
I first ran across the phrase, "Bob's your uncle" in a book. The newly-single woman was making her bed, and the section was something like:
Just pull the sheet and comforter up and, Bob's your uncle, the bed is made. And, while Bob may or may not be your uncle, if you can make your bed in 15 seconds or less, Bob is definitely not your lover.
No city-supplied garbage cans in Somerville, alas. I know I'll just be tempting fate if I give in and buy some.
Also and very annoying: you can't buy replacement garbage can lids.
Really I'm not garbage-obsessed
How to control your Roomba via Bluetooth. I can't believe I don't have a Roomba yet.
I'd love to buy one, but it would take one look at my floorful of cables, closely packed furniture, and assorted clutter and send up the binary equivalent of "goodbye cruel world!"