I was really productive last night with stuff I could do while sitting in the big comfy chair. Bookcase on craigslist looks claimed, sleeping bag and shoe rack on freecycle look claimed (aiming for pick-up tomorrow for both). Taxes are getting mailed today as is a package to Perkins and 2 things for the co-op. good times. Project clean out the house will continue over the weekend as 6 items on ebay will conclude (4 selling at the moment).
I thought I was all ready for tax time, and then I realised I started a new bank account last year, and I'm not sure if the $90 I earned (but have not received) from Google Adsense needs to be reflected.
Hrrmph. I just need to know how much I'll have to pay.
Plei, I am wearing the awesome fun jacket of happy today and thinking of you.
I do not have a camera. I'll see what is available in the office.
Polite Dissent review of last night's House. He didn't seem to like it very much.
Not even clicking through yet, I can totally belive it.
I like the Polite Dissent guy. He's very balanced when he doesn't like things. Plus, the mere premise is hysterical.
I'm wearing the boots again today. This time with a short skirt. I'm wearing a headache too, thus the dressing to make me happy.
I am wearing conductive paste in my hair (sleep study) which I expect to be wearing for several years to come. A shower with industrial shampoo reduced the top layer somewhat.
I got the garbage out before the garbage trucks arrived this morning. Given how groggy I was, that was a great achievement.