Em is finally saying "mama" on a regular basis, wihtout prompting. Took her forever, it seems. She has had "daddy" down for months and she has been saying "UP!" for a few weeks. Now we have added "please" and "Thank you".
We also seem to have lost "shit", so I think we'll be grateful for that and continue the watching of the mouths.
I love it when she just babbles. And sings to her baby.
I love it when she just babbles. And sings to her baby.
Oh. So that's what it feels like to have the ovaries say "Want!" It's the singing bit that does it.
Still, my biological clock seems mostly set to feline, because I go nearly helpless with longing whenever I see kittens.
The Canadian that skated last had a worst time with his jumps, but he was eye-catching in the straightline work and also had a nicely pared-down costume.
He's a notorious choker.
ita, GG from foggy memory:
Logan was supposed to be in London this weekend, and just blew off his dad, he's also supposed to be in London for a year from the day after he graduates. Rory was fretting about the future since Logan will be away and the alleged Asia trip would be impossible. Lorelai seems to have a new sympathy for Logan after seeing the dad, and told him that noone understands about letting down the family more than she. Luke and Lorelai return to the diner and all is fine until Cesar brings up the fact that April called and will be at the diner from 3-7 tomorrow. Then they both get all weird about it and talk around how Lorelai isn't meeting April, and Lorelai sort of abruptly leaves the diner and goes home. There's all kinds of messages on the machine from relatives and Emily's friends about the announcement and that Emily has been telling them to save the date for June 3rd.
Muppet theme in Hebrew (mp3): [link]
Michigan Man Sentenced in Sheep Abuse Case. [link]
Tamara Towns, an assistant prosecutor for the county, argued that Haynes should be ordered to register as a sex offender because once out of prison, he could prey on children or vulnerable adults.
And word of warning to our Buffista authors. Apparently Michigan has some peculiar laws, because this guy has prior convictions for uttering and publishing.
Thanks, Sue. I'm pissed that I missed that big
In other news, the burgers at JG Melon are so good we ordered a third one to share after finishing two. Did you go, Jesse?
I did go to JGMelon! And the burger was excellent. The company was somewhat cranky, but, you know, 12-hour work day.
Man, this is a strange city. Six guys escaped from Cook County Jail over the weekend. Now come to find that one or more guards *let them go* in an attempt to influence an upcoming sheriff's election.