Sorry to disappear on y'all. Tucking babies to bed (still in process. er.)
I don't really have a cute baby story (although he *is* cute), I'm just proud of him for getting Mama and Dada down. Also--here's a story--last night DH was making a bottle for the boy. Isaac watched him as he washed bottles and nipples and sterilized and made the formula. Then Isaac looked at his Dad and offered him a suggestion: "Mama."
::pssst:: Matt's over there...
OOps! I meant SEAN. Thank YOU, Sean!! (It's almost 11 and I'm still at work, can I be forgiven??)
(It's almost 11 and I'm still at work, can I be forgiven??)
Only if one of us gets to smack your boss.
go home. It is better there.
The guy who had the James Bond routine needed to be taken off the ice, it was painful to watch.
And what was up with the writing on the back of the costumes? Between that guy's "007" and the German (?-I think he was German) with "EXIT," I'm almost expecting them to be covered in sponsor's labels, like NASCAR.
Good thing was that they were spinning much better than the pairs skaters were. I was getting really annoyed with the pairs, between their inability to spin properly and that annoying way the guys were pulling the women out of the death spirals--it looked like they were hauling sacks of potatoes around instead of making it look effortless.
And what was up with the writing on the back of the costumes? Between that guy's "007" and the German (?-I think he was German) with "EXIT," I'm almost expecting them to be covered in sponsor's labels, like NASCAR.
Yeah. Cheezy.
Liked the matador number though.
I liked Matt Savoy, the American with the simple dark grey outfit. He was very smooth and really innovative on the ice--too bad he flubbed that one jump. The Canadian that skated last had a worst time with his jumps, but he was eye-catching in the straightline work and also had a nicely pared-down costume.
Word on the ice announcers. They're getting kind of bitchy between themselves, too. Earlier Hamilton said something about an error not mattering to the people who paid to get in, and the other guy (Buttons? The other one?) said, "Did you pay to get in?" There was a pretty long pause, and Hamilton said, "Yeah," and the woman said, "Lifetime of experience." Then just now (the matador?) the woman was complaining about something and the guy-not-Hamilton said, "Well, I just want to watch him," and all I heard was "Shut it, bitch!"
re: House: Hubby was complaining about the accuracy of the procedures, and I was complaining that I never got to watch the procedures that are performed on Hubby, like the parents watching through the windows.
I just walked by a first-floor apartment window with the lights blazing and the couple inside
having sexual intercourse!
I mean, really. Who does that anymore?!
In other news, the burgers at JG Melon are so good we ordered a third one to share after finishing two. Did you go, Jesse?