He is totally craxy with the generous. I keep trying to think of something to do in return, but nothing suits. Baked goods? He can get the best. CD with handmade art cover? He probably has the world's biggest iPod. Cunning hat for his SO? She has all-planetary access to the cunningest already.
Bear in mind, he's repaying me for dozens of chicken dinners during his lean backgammon hustler days.
But he would totally appreciate a hand-made, cool, JZ thing. We can talk about it later.
I am confident in JZ's ability to create a cunning handmade thing, having seen the results of several same.
I need a Phil.
I keep forgetting that you met him.
I keep forgetting that you met him.
Twice, even! He was at our table at the wedding!
Though I'd be saying that even without having met the Phil, on account of his general Philness.
ita, you don't take the 210, do you?
You can't cancel DaVinci! He's already dead!
And Woo hoo! The Malamute that won the Eukanuba show won breed!
Somebody to root for in Group tonight.
In case Jessica and any other Scrubs fans haven't seen it at newsstands, this month's Giant magazine has a cover feature article about Zach Braff and the show.
I was kind of disappointed to find out that Jeremy Shockey is a close personal friend of John C. McGinley's.
When it comes to romance, I have a teflon coating. I'm like Jaye that way, minus the hottie bartender boyfriend.
Me too, oh Shriftalicious One. Me, too. These days, all I want falls in the category of yes-let's-have-hot-sex-but-dear-god-NO- this-isn't-a-Relationship-I-am-NOT-girlfriend-material.
I think that, technically, makes me a ho.
t edit
Though I wouldn't say no to chocolate tomorrow. But then, I'm also a chocolate ho, and wouldn't say no to chocolate ANY day.
These days, all I want falls in the category of yes-let's-have-hot-sex-but-dear-god-NO- this-isn't-a-Relationship-I-am-NOT-girlfriend-material.
Heh. I've kinda got one of those, but seeing as how she's far away...of course, I sent her for Valentine's Day a virtual box of chocolates on LJ. And she sent me a virtual LJ rose. We're geeks.
I am not really a fan of V-Day. Though I did have one very nice V-Day when I took a friend's girlfriend out for dinner--the friend had class (edit: the friend had a class she had to attend. Not just she was a classy girl). That was fun. Like having a date, but none of the pressure!
Phil is doing awesome things for Hec and JZ. Go Phil!
And I am amazed-but-not at juliana's mad date-getting. I AM shocked at shrift's lack of hot sexxxy men, and suspect it means she needs to MOVE AWAY FROM MICHIGAN.