I need to find high resololution photographs of overweight kids. Without paying any money for them! Previously, they just did a google image search, right clicked and saved, and used them for their brochures!!!!
Sophia, there are some free image sites on the web. A lot of them will balk at something you're profiting from, though. Plus, there might be some issues with using pictures of minors - I'd check into that before using random images.
I don't want to scare you, flea. It's just that the range of things that could be causing your problem can be very wide. It's probably your sciatic nerve. But then what? It's simplest to get a pro to tell you what to do next.
I'm not a fan of internet diagnoses in general.
Public Service Announcement: If you didn't catch Thursday's hysterical episode of the Colbert Report, it should be re-running tonight at 8:30 EST.
I can't wait until Jon and/or Stephen cover Hair-Trigger Cheney's version of skeet shooting.
Aiyiyi. How many times must a person be told we do not have an account for you, go sign up for one here?
I don't care how insistent you are, or how many different possible IDs you give me, THERE IS NO SUCH ACCOUNT.
Ayup, it's monday.
sara, don't you realize that if you keep asking the same question over and over again, you'll eventually get the answer you want?
Sophia, try Googling "royalty free images." You'll probably still have to pay a small facility fee (which is the tech cost of giving you the photos), but there won't be a license fee.
Right. You can buy a royalty-free CD of images, and use them forever -- the only drawback will be all the other people ont his planet who bought the same CD. Upfront investment for a lifetime of no permissions costs.
Your bosses need to be beaten, and then to be shown the court cases where law firms paid millon-dollar copyright fines for photocopying whole books and newsletters. That was just for internal use, but, million-dollar fines. It is a boss's job to know about that stuff, especially if she's in charge of publishing -- anything.
this weekend I did something to my body that has resulted in pain waaaay low in my back - like where the pelvis attaches - and down my right leg.
That sounds exactly what I had in college, which was in fact sciatica. I was advised to stop sitting on my duff so much, take Advil, and get used to being called "The Gimp."
sara, don't you realize that if you keep asking the same question over and over again, you'll eventually get the answer you want?
The customers I support, they will LEARN they are dealing with Ms. Stubbornass Contrarian, oh yes.
flea, like everyone else said, pain down your leg is almost always a sciatic nerve issue. It could just be that the back muscles around the origination point of the sciatic nerve could be all inflamed and therefore pinching the nerve. That's pretty common.
And, AFAIK, sciatic nerve pain is pretty common in pregnancy. But I think there are ways to alleviate it -- but for that, and given that you have an armadillo in your belly, I agree that it's a good idea to see a doctor.