Today is a lovely day in LA. I know this because we opened the door to room 3 when I was teaching in it. I will also open my balcony door.
I know I'm not to beat myself up about not being able to take part in more of the day. So I won't.
I will instead put the roses in a vase, cook myself some lunch, and plan lunches for the week. Oh, and work. All perfectly cromulent indoor things which can be done pretty slowly.
The skies have cleared and are that beautiful luminescent deep blue only winter nights seem to bring. And there is a full moon.
It's rather pretty.
damn. I still haven't seen last week's GA.
Heh, a site that lets you take any picture and make a romance novel cover out of it.
Like this....
Megan is a mean Canadian taunter.
I'm surprised that supermarkets and other food stores seem to have no requirement to indicate when they're selling food past their sell-by date. I know when I'm buying cheapie mince pies in mid-Feb exactly why, but when I end up with cream from the posh supermarket that should have been sold yesterday, it's icky.
Doesn't serve the store's rep. I can't imagine how long that cream had been on the shelf--the cream I was replacing hadn't hit its sell by yet. And I don't use it that quickly.
If it happened in the Vons that smelt like dogshit, then I figure I'm getting what I pay for.
You would think there was a rule about selling past the sell-by date. Although I've had cream go bad before that, which I think says something bad about the store, too. Although it could be the shippers or whatever.
I need another day this weekend.