Happy birthdyas Kristin and Maria! (and I now have the abovementioned earworm).
Today I patterned and cut out what felt like seventy gabillion costumes, but in reality was 4. I hate patterning and cutting out, so perhaps my choice of job was not so smart.
Also, here is Western New York, it still hasn't snowed. I am rather hoping for snow tomorrow or Tuesday so I don't have to go to work.
Tep, that joke was in the 2-hour finale that aired last week. It was brilliant with a capital BRILLIANT. (The whole thing, not just that bit.)
Jessica, I'm still laughing, and the thing aired Friday--I got a whole weekend of giggle fits over two hours! That's quality TV for you.
(I actually suspect I'll be randomly giggling over it for the next two weeks, which makes it even better.)
I can't even pick a best part.
But it's a little scary as well that when people think of the (spoiler) they think of me?
Well, considering that I think of Steph when I think of
Pete Rose
it could be scarier.
I thought a lot of the third season of AD was uneven, but the last six or seven episodes (if I count the two hour block as four separate ones) were kick-ass. Besides, this is the season that gave us
Bob Loblaw's Law Blog.
I'll forgive a lot for
Bob Loblaw.
In conclusion, STEVE HOLT!!!
The people next to me have shovelled out their cars (one was my neighbors, she had to borrow my shovel.) I'm not going to go look at the damage done to my snowfree pristine spot. I'll just get up early.....
Tried to call the parents, but they were on their way out to go to a Willy Nelson concert.
My parents have more of a life than I do. This sometimes makes me fret.
Excitement in my neighborhood. The lady up the street just got taken away in an ambulance. I have no idea why.
I hope she wasn't shoveling.
They are forecasting a low of 38F here tonight!!! 34F inland. Wow, I don't know how many years it has been since I saw temps that low here.
eta: I guess this would be a good time to check and see if my heat works. I haven't used it yet this winter.
I thought a lot of the third season of AD was uneven, but the last six or seven episodes (if I count the two hour block as four separate ones) were kick-ass.
Agreed. Charlize Theron's storyline dragged the season down considerably, but they came back strong.
I forgot to mention yesterday that the Girl Scouts were out at my supermarket! We have achieved cookies. We have also eaten almost half of them already.
I put up more pictures: [link]
. It was a great day to do some casual shopping.
I'm procrastinating due to my inability to think of anything to put in a philosophy of education statement. Hi everybody!