Since everyone else is doing it, here's the current scene from my front window:
The wind changed 180° overnight. It was from the southwest last night, which is why the driver's side of my truck is all snowed up, but now it's coming straight out of the northeast.
I'm making oatmeal too!
I bought this Silver Palette Oatmeal at the Giant Target with the Grocery store because it claimed to have more texture. I was somewhat disappointed to see that they are still rolled oats -- but it looks like it does have more texture than most rolled oats.
View from my bedroom window.
My boom story involves the townhouse shaking from side to side. I ran out of the house in the general direction it sounded like it'd come from. When I reached the intersection with the main road, the windows of the stores were blown out, but I couldn't really tell which direction to go in.
Which was good, since I went back home and waited for more news, missing seeing this by just over a block.
22.8" in Central Park. This is the 2nd largest snowstorm in NYC history.
Are you guys allowed to panic now? I mean, in East Coast style. Also, Tom, are you allowed to not go into work?
Damn. We have no snow to speak of, feh.
Michelle Kwan just dropped out.
I blame the nestle white chocolate. The icing is pretty good, and it's pretty because of heart shaped bundt pan and pink raspberry icing with fresh raspberries all around.
But the cake itself is total butt.
White chocolate is...the really good stuff can be delicious on its own, but I've found that things made with it generally don't live up to the hype.
View from my bedroom window.
The snow has picked up some, here: [link]
Took me a sec to realize these sentences were about different things:
Michelle Kwan just dropped out.
I blame the nestle white chocolate.
The data center at work is powered down. If we don't go in and turn the computers back on, we won't be able to trade on Monday, and will lose millions, maybe tens of millions of dollars.
You won't hear me contradicting you, nor complaining about the boringness.