A man with a loose shoelace fell down a flight of stairs in the Fitzwilliam Museum
Oh man. When I was 16, I fell down a long marble stairway at the Glyptotek in Copenhagen. I was wearing clogs and tripped. Luckily, the Glyptotek didn't have any valuables in or around that stairway so all I killed was my pride.
Also condolences to Jars and her friend's family.
I'm pretty sure the only thing I've severely damaged by falling down has been my person. I guess it makes 'you break it, you buy it' much more simple...
I do think the Fitzwilliam should be a little more careful about the placement of priceless antiques, if a person falling down the stairs means 3 are shattered. I mean, people do fall down stairs sometimes. Most museums I've been to keep such things in nice big plexiglass boxes for this reason.
ita, just a note - if you attend a yoga class they can't make you do any of it, can they? I mean, you could go and just not do anything you didn't feel up to. Unless LA gyms have some strange coercion thing I'm not aware of.
I'm with shrift. Boy, howdy.
Any Buffista cooks ever used this? I just read a complimentary review of it in the Cool Tools blog. I hate garlic presses, and hate mincing with a knife, so I'm curious.
This just in....the internets is full of crazy people. I need a walk about and food.
if you attend a yoga class they can't make you do any of it, can they?
Of course they can't! I'm a motherfucking khagora khooma! Uh, I mean, no. Just that it'd be a waste of an outing. I don't even want to do downward dog much right now. Chiro's scheduled for 11:45, which gives me ample time to go out for brekkie (have picked restaurant), look into a massage, and just generally move slowly and get my body back into gear.
Hell, I want to train tonight, get as much in before the nerve block wears off. And I'd actually like to like to go into work tomorrow.
I fell down a long marble stairway at the Glyptotek in Copenhagen
Oh my stars! I know that staircase. The Glyptotek is my favorite museum in the great wide world.
Ah. Now I'm off on flights of dreamy day dreaming of trips to the sculpture hall...and the beautiful atrium with the string quartet at noon...and the sweet cafe...and the largest Rodin exhibit outside Philadelphia. Sigh. Thanks Spidra!
Heh. I haven't been there since then. And I haven't been to Europe since 1993. C'monnnnnnn lottery win!
I finally caught up enough to say:
Way to kick ass, ita!!!