quester, my condolences.
I just had posole and a tamale for dinner. It was good. I have a feeling, however, that I will be heartily sick of posole soon.
Also, that little tortie I was fretting about last year? I saw her again. Looking out a window of an apartment at me. An apartment on my stairwell. So either she lived there the whole time or someone else is as big a sucker as I am. I'll have to ask them which it was.
quester, I'm sorry for your loss.
Could that Mars-Venus thing die a fucking painful death already?!
Although maybe I just feel that way because I'm too fond of "motherfucker" these days to be strictly "Venusian".
ETA: Quester, my condolences.
Could that Mars-Venus thing die a fucking painful death already?!
What erikaj said.
Here is my drunken thinking: Gender is not an important issue between people who have elected to pair up with each other against the world.
Gender is not an important issue between people who have elected to pair up with each other against the world.
Robin is from Venus, Batman is from Mars? Mutley is from Venus, Dick Dastardly is from Mars?
Isn't there some stuff about caves in there? I was too young to care when that whole thing was happening. Or too cynical to care. One or the other.
There is this thing on PBS about unruly pets who are being trained as working dogs. It is SO COOL.
And at nine? The Water is Wide TV movie. I am blowing off DH and GA for some Pat Conroy Goodness.
Cool. I'm such the Conroy fangirl.
erikaj and Trudy are into weird TV. Like the
has anything to do with anything.
Tonight Extreme Makeover Home Edition is helping a family who rescues animals. Lots of them. It's nice to see that animals count with ABC, too.