Serious condition + shrapnel head wounds = not good for the ABC guys. NPR has been having all these sad stories about brain injuries among wounded Iraq veterans.
The Times did a couple of profiles too. Of course, most of the people coming out with serious brain damage are the people who would, 20 years ago, have died of their wounds.
The CNN report a bit ago said the ABC guys were wearing helmets and safety goggles (can't remember the name -- sharp-object-resistant glasses) and kevlar, so it sounds like they did everything they could have done to protect themselves, at least.
You all remember that Time Magazine reporter who caught an incoming grenade, and threw it back? Dude lost his hand, but probably saved the lives of everybody in the truck. Ah, here he is (scroll down): Michael Weisskopf. [link]
TROGDOR!!! Burninating the villages...burninating the peasants!
Ha! Now I'm all singing this to myself. Tagline change might be in order.
Nutty! You were in a dream I had about a week ago. We were building a stone fence and it was a very frustrating experience between the giggling spells. I must say you were much better at the process, but we both had mortar chunks in the hair and looked like Lucy impressionists. The fence didn't look half bad.
Can we take up a collection to buy me this? I promise to always have room for buffistas.
From Worth1000, anachronistric photos: [link]
The one of General Sherman and his rocket launcher made me laugh. I also liked the Starfleet Dauntless dive bombers.
it was a very frustrating experience between the giggling spells.
This sounds like an accurate representation of my life.
Holy crap, Daisy -- that's so cheap! And cute! I think I may admit that I will actually need to leave NYC to Own Property.
Wow Daisy. You can't get vacant land here for twice that amount. Very pretty too. (except for the being in Texas part which I don't think would work for me)
It's not in the best of neighborhoods. By which I mean South Dallas/Oak Cliff, which has pretty much been historically neglected, but no worse than sections of where I live now.
But koi pond! Lead glass windows! Sun porch! (In a heavily shaded yard), but Sun Porch!
Weird, freaky-ass art: [link] Not totally work-safe, in an arty-kind of way....
I should just have a blog with my favorite weird, freaky-ass art....
eta: Can I link directly to this image? [link]