I saw a very neat but rather sad play last night. "Nine Parts of Desire" (::waves at Sparky::), which is a one-actress show about women in Iraq. One of the more interesting characters she plays is a female artist who allows herself to be raped many times by the men in Saddam's administration in order to gain access to power. This way she gets her work into the museums and so forth.
Another of the characters was a doctor in Basra, who said that Iraq has been suffering from many many more cancers and birth defects in the last few years -- she thought it was from all the toxins in the soil and water from spent ammunition from the war.
Excellent play, great acting, awesome set. Really rather sad, though.
If anyone would understand not wanting to give up pie and warm it sounds like it would be he.
So give yourself at least another half hour of it.
I have reached an end-time for my own slounging. Brenda's in-town sister called and we're going to meet for brunch Oneish and then walk around the Upper West Side and be lazy for a while. Go by Lush, Zabars, stuff like that. Still pretty sloungy... just a clothed, mobile, public sloungy.
cute puppy Rio! Looking forward to more pictures.
OMG, look what just opened up near me: [link]
2 milestones last week. Made it to 14 years old and 6'3".
Boys can grow into their twenties, can't they?
Poor Sickie Bear. Poor Gigantic Sickie Bear.
Aw, Brenda, its just lovely. Congratulations.
Excellent play, great acting, awesome set. Really rather sad, though.
Sounds very upsetting. Ouch.
Puppy!! So cute.
Ooh, french toast delivered---nice.
Mmm. I'm stiff and sore this morning. But at least the headache I woke up with at 5 is mostly gone.
I think I'll hot tub before the massage, and then wander into the breach looking for some psychic satisfaction and a couple more bruises.
Man, I love this. And I need to do this now. But I'll love this more when the head is all clear. Though yesterday? I was so hyper and bubbly until the evening that people were starting to get suspicious. And that was before the coffee covered espresso beans. It was just the longest I'd felt decent in months.
Mmmmm breakfast delivery. So not an option here.
Poor gigantic sickie bear likes to sit in my lap to mess with me. He spent a lot of time doing that Friday night while we watched his brother's soccer game since I had the only chair. I told him he was in big trouble if I get sick. I also suggested it became wrong for him to sit in my lap once he outweighed me. He pointed to sprained knee brace and said I couldn't sit in his lap. It is such a cute stage he is going through with the cuddly. My practical side looks at his birthdate and knows this will probably soon pass. Full blown teenagedom is rapidly approaching.