I have some non-fuzzy toys Aurelia. I may not send them, but I have them.
Tie line has been one of the best toys so far and that just comes home in my pocket sometimes. I can roll one end between my fingers and make the other end dance around. They love that.
I've been buying dehydrated minced onion from Whole Foods for my recipes that call for onion, with pretty good results. I use it in the Ostrich Helper, for instance.
Speaking of cats, Chumley just jumped up on the sofa and knocked over a cup -- luckily it only had a little water in it, and the splash didn't reach the laptop which was in my lap. Chumley is a cat of far more heart than sense.
ita, go forth and rock the krav
Won't cat toys from another home smell like the other cats? Maybe only my Oz is bothered by sucjh things.
Still no heat.
They will smell of Other Cats but mine don't seem to ever care. They don't even care when I come home from my parent's and smell of Dog.
now to see if it stays on long enough to warm the house.
Yay, heat!
I've caught up a bit with LJ and here, and eaten breakfast, and gotten dressed so I'm declaring the morning a mixed success....
Heat good.
Also your post made me realize it was chilly (55) in here again. Rassenfrassen pilot went out. AGAIN! Gas Co. was here Tues to fix and light it. I had to relight it several hours ago and just now it went out after I had it relit the first time. Looks like I am calling the Gas Co again...
Where's my spork?
Heat is good.
Good luck with the testing, ita!
I haev loads one and two in the wash, and I think I'm going for a long walk before 3 & 4 make it in there.
I bought a new kind of organic instant oatmeal, and it's too sweet! I swear, Quaker Oats is less sweet. Blargh!
hot cereal - check
shower - check
dressed - check
bag packed for yoga - check
I am gonna be late to church, but my brother is skipping so that is ok.
The heat seems to have already cycled off. The bedroom didn't even get to 65.