Garrison Keillor has a great review of American Vertigo in this week's NYTimes Book Review.
"What does this experience tell us?" he writes about the Mall of America. "What do we learn about American civilization from this mausoleum of merchandise, this funeral accumulation of false goods and nondesires in this end-of-the-world setting? What is the effect on the Americans of today of this confined space, this aquarium, where only a semblance of life seems to subsist?" And what is one to make of the series of questions - 20 in a row - about Hillary Clinton, in which Lévy implies she is seeking the White House to erase the shame of the Lewinsky affair? Was Lévy aware of the game 20 Questions, commonly played on long car trips in America? Are we to read this passage as a metaphor of American restlessness? Does he understand how irritating this is? Does he? Do you? May I stop now?
today I have - gone to the cafe for breakfast. where I met a friend so I deserted ( desserted?) DH and went for a long walk with friend and her dog. then we had tea. then I walked home. ( that means somewhere inthe neighbohood of 5 miles of walking today) DH has made signs , planed wood, and done a load of laundry. I think he has been more productive, but I win in the health catagory.
Garrison Keillor has been standing too close to his Beat Gen influences.
I haven't turned my heat on at all yet this winter. My apartment's been sweltering anyway. I think that the heat going to all my neighbors has been heating my apartment too, or something.
I think my upstairs neighbors' heat was fixed this morning. There's dust all over the hallway and stairwell, and the pipe isn't dripping into our living room anymore. Woo hoo! (Except for the dust, which they'd better come aback tomorrow and clean up.)
I haven't turned my heat on at all yet this winter...
We do not hate Hil. Hil is our friend.
Just got my newest favoritest compliment in email: You are a goddess among kittens.
What have I got for kittens?
This makes me a poor example of a human being.
It was 55 degrees outside today! I walked around some in a light coat with a t-shirt underneath.
I made way, way, way too much posole. I have to go out to get more containers in which to freeze it. WAY WAY WAY TOO MUCH.