Okay, it's a friday and we didn't go out. We are just hopping around the networks and landed on In Justice.
Can I say, Jason O'Mara is not especially interesting on the show (and the show isn't especially interesting) until you've heard Jason O'Mara narrate the Nature that was on PBS last week.
And you realize Jason O'Mara is hiding his lovely lovely lovely Irish brogue.
And then you realize, aw, Jason O'Mara, you're adorable.
His voice is fascinating on the show because if you really listen you can hear the brogue coming through.
Thanks Nicole! Tea steeping, aspirin dissolving.
I just cleaned! Everything except the area between the sofa and the TV is neat.
I don't suppose anyone can tell me what happened in the last five minutes of Ghost Whisperer? The ending got cut off for me. The last thing I got was
Melinda with the birthday cupcake. She said she thought it might be fun to go out and celebrate
and, then, nothing. Did I miss anything important?
Four hours of training. Five tomorrow, and then a test on Sunday. I also have acupuncture tomorrow morning, assisting a class, and a massage Sunday morning. I'm trying to convince people to go see
Underworld: Evolution
with me tomorrow, because it's perfect post-asskicking stuff. I don't care if they punk out on me. I'ma go anyway.
Class went well. There was some stuff I was leery of doing that turned out fine, some stuff I sucked at royally.
Remember when I couldn't do the fighting? One of the instructors convinced the lead instructor that I could fight, but body sparring only. I do hate body sparring. And he's so damned delighted with the change. Why must people delight in me...doing what I'm supposed to?
I have completed Jilli's treatment, and am now waiting for a mask to harden.
If my face shows no sign of healing in the morning, I'll have to do the most evilest of treatments....go sit in the sun without sunscreen.
You really don't want it to come to that, do you, face?
Has anyone tried to watch the Project Runway videos from Bravo's site on a Mac, and if so, what browser and plug in do you use? I've tried on Safari, IE, Opera and Firefox, and none of them work.
my tv will not stay turned on. The remoste seems to have no effect on it, and even pushing the power button on the set is not turning it on everytime. Then it will turn off and back on just out of teh blue, sometimes 3 or 4 times in a row. I think I have a poltergeist.
I usd to have a TV that turned off after playing a little wile (but not back on again) and it was because it was overheating.
What's the best way to ease digestion of a too large meal? I almost never overeat, so I'm not sure how that works. Lie down?
For future reference, digestive enzymes are really great.
Has anyone tried to watch the Project Runway videos from Bravo's site on a Mac, and if so, what browser and plug in do you use? I've tried on Safari, IE, Opera and Firefox, and none of them work.
Huh. I watched them on IE no problem -- just clicked on the page, and it loaded and played... oh, through Windows Media Player.
Gronklies. I've been on hold with my cable/phone company for 10 and a half minutes now and I think the hold music they're playing is actually designed to make me hang up out of disgust. It was when the flute started playing a cutesie Irish jig that the veins started throbbing in my forehead.