YAY! London will be excellent fun! We're going to London for 2 days before we go to Ireland, as a matter of fact.
I'm facilitating a 6-meeting class on pop culture in the classroom and I'm teaching (though I got called director by the project director today so who knows) a class on composition and writing methodology.
ita, good luck!
Oooh. I would love to take your class on pop culture in the classroom.
Does it feel the same to teach on the university level? I mean, do you approach your planning and implementation the same way? I don't know if I'm asking what I'm trying to ask very well. Shoot.
Do only people named Kat get to go to the British Isles? That doesn't seem fair.
Where does cash cab air?
OMG! So much fun! How does one get on this show? Just random dumb luck? How much can you win? Are the questions closer to Jeopardy or Supermarket Sweep?
Yes, dumb luck! I just saw a pair of women win like $1300. The questions are possibly exactly halfway between Jeopardy and Supermarket Sweep -- regular person trivia.
kat, it's totally different. I don't plan! For the Pop culture class, I NEVER plan. Isn't that awful?
Also, I coteach both classes.
And it's different because I don't assign things or grade etc. It's all pass fail and if you come and participate it's a pass.
Cripes, and I forgot to say YAY ITA!!
Jesse is going to have to take more cabs to up her odds.
I must find a way to get on this show! Pop culture, random chance and money. Sounds like a little slice 'o heaven.
And I don't know how the British Isles will survive all the Kat-tasticness.
I must find a way to get on this show! Pop culture, random chance and money. Sounds like a little slice 'o heaven.
Seriously. I want free money so bad! It must be time to do a focus group.
No planning! Now the pop culture in the classroom class sounds better than ever. How do y'all decide on the topics for each week, or is it just a free flowing conversation? Sorry to be all up in the Kool-Aid. It just sounds like a lot of fun.
It is fun. We read pieces about culture-- my fave was part of
Everything Bad Is Good for You
which is awesome and discuss and now we're producing some lessons and a bibliography of sorts. It's good. mellow.