What in the hell are people W00ting about?
The fact that it passed is HUGE in this state, even though it winds up being largely symbolic at the core, and despite the fact that there will be a fight to overturn it. Last year's defeat was depressing and disheartening and a downer and a whole buncha stuff that starts with d, drat it.
Speaking of, I should email my (elementary school era) former carpoolmate who's now one of our openly-gay state reps and give him a high five.
One of my bosses told me, "It's a nice day. Why don't you leave...."
Tommy's boss knows its nipple day!
Yeah, Gus, bunk.In retrospect, I wish my letters to HBO hadn't had quite the aura of "begging-ass bitch" they took on because I pretty much laid it out:
I've got no job, a political regime I don't support, and a dead dog. I need this show...please, please, please.
Hell, maybe I pushed it over. Maybe the VP of programming loves dogs.
But if I had it to do over, I'd front a bit more...even Bubbles would be embarrassed for me.
ETA: Incidentally, I got my tagline from the Wire chat at HBO...I'm not sure if it referred to us, the Wireheads, or to the lovely people at Blown Deadline, but I fell in love with it, either way. That mix of "high" and "low" kills me every time, you know.
Thanks, Jesse! Yo, Gus, The Wire is taking on the education system in Season Four. Man, I can't freakin' wait.
I've got no job, a political regime I don't support, and a dead dog. I need this show...
I quoted that because all it needed was a nipples reference to make it perfect.
A nipple short of perfection ... story of my life.
"No Child Left Behind" is gonna be weeping like a little bitch.
Y'all read about the Baltimore slogan thing, right? That the Simonverse has affected people's view of Balmer so much, the mayor is tripping and hired a PR firm to come up with yet another slogan...although the people at H:LOTS made the "City That Reads" the "City that Bleeds" so... nsm.
You think if I sent him something that said "I ruined my city's reputation and all I got was this lousy--- and a house in Fell's Point," he'd appreciate it?
ETA: Perfect, Gus? That shit was pathetic. I did try to back myself up with, like, Netflix rental patterns and stuff, but still needy and pathetic. But sometimes Ronnie is needy and pathetic and I still like her.
If you bitcas spoil
The Wire
for me, I will be upside yo heads with a mighty
No spoilers, just tiny thematic hints.
Couldn't possibly be Wire spoilers...you'd have to tell the whole fucking story wouldn't you? And it would still be like "Remember the guy out front of the package store?"
"Not him...the white guy."
Tell me I'm wrong.
Exhaustiveness is the ultimate foiler, dawg.
Man, I can't say anything without getting on somebody's shitlist.
The Wire
is cool beyond any reasonable expectations.