I just tried the Senate switchboard -- both Feinstein's and Boxer's lines are busy. I'll keep pestering, though.
John Kerry is totally my Sooper Seekrit Celebrity President. I'm fairly sure the smit first struck when he won the Dem's nomination and Jessica said something about how, between his brains and his long face, she could hardly wait for the debates: it'd be like watching Bush's brain get its ass kicked by a very wise basset hound. Then he went and actually did basset-hound the debates, and then Ohio broke my heart. But he's totally still my SSCP.
Salon's War Room is saying that there are probably five Dems that will vote with the Repubs in approving Alito, and at least three others who won't vote for him, but also won't support a filibuster, which totals up to the 60 votes Frist needs for cloture, so a filibuster ain't gonna happen, unfortunately.
They're voting to give their power away....
And on a completely different subject, Google is celebrating Mozart's birthday today--love the graphic!
Need a time waster? I'm enjoying beating my head against some of the entries here: [link]
Someone just came in and asked me if I was eating oatmeal. Turns out that he could smell my cinnamon tea from about 20 feet down the hall, and thought it was oatmeal.
I wish I knew that before I admitted I had just finished off a donut.
Shit. CNN has a big Breaking News banner about the earthquake, but no actual story yet.
Senate phone lines still busy.
They're voting to give their power away....
No fucking kidding.
Calli, when you finish, if there are some you can't get, I have the answers here: [link] I'm pretty sure my friends gave me all the answers I missed, in comments.
Thanks, Cindy! I'm up to 23 out of 33 so far.
My brain isn't firing on all cylinders right now, so this is just too weird for me to deal with:
Anti-smoking website: put dead animals in Blair Dolls' mouths
Well-designed anti-smoking site lets you put dead rats, meal worms, decaying fish, and other vermin into the mouths of adorable Blair dolls.
(Quote from BoingBoing: [link]
Actual site: [link]