Jon, I'm so sorry.
Hayden and David: congratulations, that's great!
I just spewed white bean and rosemary soup all over me and the wall (I had too much in the blender) while on the telephone. I shouldn't be allowed to be a grownup.
I feel like I'm doing an okay job at work this week but I know I'm going to lose a ton of money on one project and I'm a bit nervous about how that's going to go over. Not well, one assumes.
Jon, I'm so sorry. Warm thoughts to you and your family.
Was Colin's GF playing a wide-eyed kinda character? We're watching a special on Ireland. The martens are so cute!
Just jumped to the end to send all my love and strength to Jon and his family. I'm so sorry.
I'm so sorry Jon. Peace to you and your family.
I'm so sorry Jon. Strength and peace to you and your family.
I want to marry and bear Jon Stewart's children. Convienently he's already got someone doing that. Instead I will laugh and laugh.
"You know, if that thing was shiny we might have lost him for weeks..."
I mean the joke wrote itself, but...
Jon, my deepest sympathies to you and your family.
I just watched Finding Neverland. How can a movie make me so weepy and at the same time be so utterly charming?
Am I the only one that thinks this headline needed A LOT more clarification?
Jon, I am so sorry for your loss. Peace and strength to you and your family.