Colin's girlfriend.
I should have watched more carefully instead of just hating her character. She did well though, as I wanted to smack some sense into her.
Scottish accents make me swoony. And many of these people are baaaaaad people (okay, characters) so I shouldn't be feeling so wibbley.
I went back and scanned, was there no Project Runway talk last night??
Colin does like the pretty. I have it recorded, but I'm so very TV backlogged. How was her performance?
I didn't really watch it -- just had it on while I was reading the internets. She was fine?
And the hot guy is actually gay and was dancing with all of us girls, but the first way makes a better story. I do think we have a little something special, though.
Jon, I'm so sorry about your father.
Jon, I am so sorry. Peace to you and yours
I have gotten all obsessed with freecycle tonight. I think I may spend my weekend cleaning off the harddrive of the old iMac and then pack it up to give away. If I finish that I could start on cleaning off the data in the original mac and pack it up and get rid of it too.
Or you could spend time burning cds....