I was proposing an alternate explanation, not stating a conclusion that I intended to support with research.
Fine. Turn down a golden opportunity for a paper. Or we can read it as you plural, the general you. If one doesn't know why penetrative sex didn't happen, how strong an explanation is it? For one, that is.
It's the 20th anniversary of the loss of
(Tomorrow, IIRC.)
7 myths about the Challenger shuttle disaster
It didn't explode, the crew didn't die instantly and it wasn't inevitable
Yeah, the "explosion" thing that always gets repeated has bugged me:
Myth #2: Challenger exploded
The shuttle did not explode in the common definition of that word. There was no shock wave, no detonation, no "bang" — viewers on the ground just heard the roar of the engines stop as the shuttle’s fuel tank tore apart, spilling liquid oxygen and hydrogen which formed a huge fireball at an altitude of 46,000 ft. (Some television documentaries later added the sound of an explosion to these images.) But both solid-fuel strap-on boosters climbed up out of the cloud, still firing and unharmed by any explosion. Challenger itself was torn apart as it was flung free of the other rocket components and turned broadside into the Mach 2 airstream. Individual propellant tanks were seen exploding — but by then, the spacecraft was already in pieces.
Someone I don't know at work forwarded me and a number of other people a video file. Which I didn't watch. When I replied to him asking why he'd sent it to me, he said "it just went by mistake." Now I want to watch the video. To see exactly what he's being so passive about spamming.
Very crafty.
Satire of the Presiden't justification for spying on Americans without warrents: [link]
Q. ... But is it legal for the president to ignore the law?
A. Maybe not according to plain ol stupid ol regular law, but we're at war! You don't go to war with regular laws, which are made outta red tape and bureaucracy and Neville Chamberlain. You go to war with great big strapping War Laws made outta tanks and cold hard steel and the American Fightin Man and WAR, KABOOOOOOM!
Q. How does a War Bill become a War Law?
A. It all begins with the president, who submits a bill to the president. If a majority of both the president and the president approve the bill, then it passes on to the president, who may veto it or sign it into law. And even then the president can override himself with a two-thirds vote.
Diamond-encrusted chocolate. $5 million!
Does it include a filter/sceen, so you can get your diamonds back?
Diamond-encrusted chocolate. $5 million!
Oy. Fair Trade and Conflict Diamond people must be loving this.
Also, it's stupid.
With Christa McAuliffe set to be the first teacher in space, NASA had arranged a satellite broadcast of the full mission into television sets in many schools,
OK, so that's how I saw it. I have mentioned on occasion that I saw that live and people would tell me that wasn't possible. But it was on the tv in the school library and I was checking out books.
I remember they rolled a TV into our class to watch the news reports.
I was watching on a big screen TV in a pizza place. I had no idea what I was watching wasn't live, and I had no idea that anything bad happened until I saw it disintegrate.