the males boasting the largest testicles also had the smallest brains
Oy. Some random guy came onto a male krav instructor when we were out Friday. "My balls are the size of grapefruits." Seems to correlate with the above finding. WHO SAYS THAT AND GETS LAID???
Who in the hell picks up a random FATTY LUMP that they find lying around? Nast.
My dog is the only one comes to mind.
Can you imagine later finding out your dog has eaten thousands of dollars worth of puke?
When we were down in Florida a couple years ago, my 7-year-old cousin would pick up every disgusting thing she could find on the beach. When her hands get full (which didn't take long), she would try to get me or my uncle to carry her collection for her. Fortunately, he's a doctor and not easily squicked.
Did you get a definite on the self-storage? I'm sorry.
Dana told me the high water mark on the building was about four feet up. I'm considering it all wet or molded. I should get it finalised by calling, but the guy is very hard to find.
ita, is it possible the CDs themselves are undamaged? Or would they be so covered in grossness that it's not feasible (or not worth the trouble) to clean them?
Or would they be so covered in grossness that it's not feasible (or not worth the trouble) to clean them?
That's what I'm assuming. And at least they're replaceable. I don't know when I'll get over the loss of hundreds of comics, including the entire X-Men run from the reboot on. Shit in there was worth money man. I'm such an idiot.
And clothes, and furniture...but you know what? I have a home and other stuff. So I need to not complain.
Huh. This guy developed softare to take, say, a computer image of a game character and print it on a 3d printer (which gives you a physical copy of the object). BoingBoing link: [link]
Actual site (with cool pictures): [link]
iTunes users were 2.2 times more likely to own a Volkswagen than the average internet user.
They are also somewhat more likely to enjoy kicking people in the head.
This is odd:
5G 60GB iPod destroys right earphone
eta: This has apparantly been happening to a lot of people....
that is weird- I've noticed some crackling on my 5G 60GB but nothing has blown. whoa.