From the Web 2.0 snarky blog that Spidra linked to:
- Chuck Norris was refused an investment by a VC. Once.
- Chuck Norris read the entire blogosphere. Including splogs.
- Chuck Norris invented blogging in 1974 in order to keep track of people he roundhouse kicked to the face.
- Flickr gave Chuck Norris a funny look. Now you know why it needs a massage.
- Chuck Norris doesn’t search Google. He just stares at the screen until Google pops the website he needs.
- Chuck Norris does not build to flip. He builds to roundhouse kick to the face.
- Chuck Norris has more friends on MySpace than Tom.
- Chuck Norris did not get acquired by Yahoo. He traveled back in time to 1849 and started Yahoo! himself. Now you know how the gold-rush started.
- Flickr is the Chuck Norris of Web 2.0
- Chuck Norris showers with AJAX but no water.
- Chuck Norris is the real brains behind Ruby on Rails.
- Chuck Norris does not use a web server. His beard serves HTTP.
- The bubble burst because Chuck Norris roundhouse kicked it to the face.
- Chuck Norris does not use tagging to remember websites. He roundhouse kicks them to the face then they remember him.
- Chuck Norris doesn’t validate.
- Chuck Norris has an open API. His right leg, coming straight at your face.
- And last but not least: Web 2.0 is Chuck Norris.
It's times like this when it apparent the internet eats itself for sustenance.