According to Rove the theme of the 2006 midterm elections will be..... 9/11. Wow, who could've guessed?
Also, he thinks wiretapping citizens without court approval can be a political asset.
I think the message is that the democrats don't have the balls to violate your civil liberties to keep the terrorists from winning, but I expect it will be put better than that.
Yahoo! I'm in a phone meeting at work, and nobody can tell that I'm not paying 100% attention to the parts that I don't need to hear.
According to Rove the theme of the 2006 midterm elections will be..... 9/11. Wow, who could've guessed?
They've really got nothing else to go on.
Reading the overnight conversation all I can think of now is whether his carpentry apprenticeship saved Jesus from being a cranky teenager, or whether it was the whole 'son of God' thing.
According to Rove the theme of the 2006 midterm elections will be..... 9/11.
I wonder if the Dems will finally get around to mentioning that 9/11 happened on the Republicans' watch.
I dunno, flea, he snuck away from his parents when he was 12, and then was all, "Der! How did you not know where I was, lameasses??"
If you ask my friend how things are going with her stepson, her response is "I hate 13." She does note, however, that it is a normal hate-inspiring 13, not the issue-laden trauma of the previous 2 years. Kid had a rough life before they finally got custody of him, and 11 & 12 were him working through that. Just in time to be a normal moody teenager!
And Jesus saith, "Whatever. My parents are like, so clueless."
And Jesus saith, "Whatever. My parents are like, so clueless."
Actually that is the exact wording in the New California Revised Edition.