How do you make that bed remotely practical? Where can one live, or how easily does it disassemble?
I think Kat and Lori have an auto-pour (misnomer) kettle, but not the one linked to from that page.
Ah, Emmett. It's good that kids are fickle, except when it's not.
See, my dad would have shot me that "Are you on CRACK? You're being a brat!" look.
And then sent me off to play with the rusty old .22 in the basement.
The rocking chair/rifle visual would probably have won me over. And then we could have gone Winchester shopping, or practised krav defenses.
Somehow Not A Mother.
ita, do you go to the National Krav Training Center blahdy-blah in LA? The local Krav cenetr page has a link.
How do you make that bed remotely practical? Where can one live, or how easily does it disassemble?
pfft. practical. it is an outdoor bed for people with big outdoor space. you only need to take in the bedding/mattress.
ok. me for bed. hopefully I will get up early enough tomorrow to watch GA while stretching.
GA is pretty good tonight. I'm gonna get some chocolate pudding to go with it.
ita, are you watching Mile High? I am very confused, and feel like we missed a series.
do you go to the National Krav Training Center blahdy-blah in LA?
That's where I teach. To anyone lurky and stalkery--it's full of people who'd love an excuse to kill. Just saying. Including me.
Are you starting krav? Did I miss that?
it is an outdoor bed for people with big outdoor space. you only need to take in the bedding/mattress.
Moving a mattress is hard! Or at least not fun.
Perkins, from the previouslies (I'm just starting) it looks like a direct segue. I'm too scared of being spoiled to go look and see the gap between series. Huh. Is this the same theme music? I don't think I've ever listened to it before.
There are a
of unanswered questions then.