I heard the other day that Transamerica was disappointingly Afterschool Special-ish.
You guys, I actually did so much work yesterday I didn't come here at ALL. Craziness. But I'm kind of done working! Except for next Thursday. Now I'm back to school! I need to label my notebooks and stuff. Due to being an ENORMOUS DORK. Also I need to do laundry, but bleh. Ooh, and I just realized I can do it during the week! Due to being done working.
Alibelle, you're in LA? And driving? Yay you!
Hey, Alibelle!
Serena looks hot in these first pics. Why must she look like crap so often?
My sister is telling me tales of the whale. I'm all verklempt. Poor wee bairn.
I exercised this morning. If I'm going to defend my right to test, I should test my capacity. Didn't go to the krav centre--took cardio boxing. We'll see.
I've come to the horrible realization that the makeup I've been using for the past ten years is making me look like ass. I hate searching for new liquids. I haven't the patience.
Fucking California sun.
I have to admit I haven't noticed the assness, but defer all makeup speciality questions elsewhere.
I have come to the realisation that I don't own the skirt I really want to wear today. Really really.
Yoga class attempted and conquered, though I think I probably should not do a Saturday class after a Thursday evening one -- I was noticeably more tired during and after, even if before I felt pretty strong.
It's also 61 freaking degrees out. So I have the back porch door open, and the kitties are taking advantage of the backyard perspective from the windows they've been denied for the past few months.
I probably should bring in the outdoor furniture, while I've got the light and the warmth. That is, if I can pry myself out of this comfortable chair....
Feh. Just had a fight with Emmett about going outside.
Emmett: I don't want to go outside today.
Me: Well, that's not an option. Here are the places where I'm willing to compromise - when we go outside, how long we're outside and what we do outside. But staying inside all day is not an option.
::stonewalling, uncooperative, uncommunicative::
::badgering, irritated, impatient::
Why are you making such a big deal out of it? It's just going outside.
Me: Why aren't you giving me something to work with? It's not like I dragged you out of bed at the crack of dawn to do chores. You've been flopping around in your pajamas all morning watching cartoons. I've offered going on a bike ride, walking down to Haight Street, Throwing the frisbee. I don't care so much what we do, but you have to get outside today.
More crying winding down to a temporary truce while he reads for a little bit, then outside doing...something. Fuck if I'm going to drag him outside and watch him make no effort to throw a frisbee. But at the very least he's walking through the park with me until he changes his attitude.
t /evilest Dad ever
Hec, I had a dream last night that you and Emmett had built a time machine, and JZ (who you referred to as "Jackie," which made me laugh hysterically in the dream) refused to try it, so you tried to get me to go to the 1950s in it.
My brain is *nifty.*