Back from getting my hair cut and it's awesome. It's great to have a regular stylist who's fun, relatively cheap, and knows how to make my goofy hair look good.
Got a wonderful weekend planned--BF is making devilled cornish game hen for dinner (we each get half a hen, due to crazy-ass diet) so not a LOT of food, but Deelish, and then we're snuggling up in front of the TiVO, its wonders to behold. We're going to friend's comedy show tomorrow (comped!) and on Sunday we are off to see
Oh, there is also grocery shopping, cleaning, mopping the kitchen floor, and lotsa laundry in there, but I believe I shall choose not to dwell on that right now.
Any other Hell travel itinerary requests?
Wait, lemme get the list...
Oh, Michael Moore? Who I kind of file with Stossel, actually, in the "stop making my side look dumb" category.
I am catching up on TDS, the one from 1/11? with the guy who wrote "The Osama bin Laden I know" AHHH! that laugh. so unsetteling.
Seriously! That was freaky.
I hate Rob Corddry; can you stuff him in there too?
Why is this?
OKAY! I'm coming over after my class!
You know what? Even with the not so good with the humans right now, I'd LOVE this. Company like you would probably do me good.
You know those days where escaping to a certain canyon (I've got it scoped out, seriously. I even know which house) and living like a hermit sounds good and there really isn't anything external driving it except the crappiness of life and decisions and what you do to yourself? I'm having one of those.
I hate the way I've made my own bed.
I think I should go pour a drink and watch taped tv and then get up bright and early and go get my hair cut. And maybe find a way to find some purchase that makes me smile and is completely non-essential, but that I can use.
sweetie. your evening plans sound perfect.
let's not speak of it, since it makes you uncomfortable.
Is haircutter is in Endicott?
Ellicott City, yes. The train and cliffs and msbelle should buy a vacation house there place.
I'll go down there a little early and wander and maybe find that sweater shop and find a new top I like. Or go to the one gallery that had an awesome Tibet exhibit last time and see what they have. Oh, and the spices shop where I'll eat too many pretzels and crackers dipped in nummy expensive stuff. Hopefully, they'll have the peanut-based sauces out. I swear, I could fulfill a mealurge there on those dips.
msbelle should buy a vacation house there
yes, that would be awesome. I suggest buying some of the yummy sauces for yourself.
Well, yeah!
I have a couple mom bought me. I ration them (they are marinades.) I should just buy one of the dip kinds and some pretzels and wallow.