Hi, guys! I've missed you! How've you been? I care, you see, but not enough to actually read the last nine natters that I've missed.
Who wants to help me buy a car? I am tired of this whole business. Also, insurance. I think insurance is stupid and that I shouldn't have to buy any, if the payments for it will be almost three times what the car payment is.
I should have some time soonish. Anyone else want tamarind balls?
Alibelle! Are you in LA now? What are you doing there?
Hey Alibelle, you want to pick up some babysitting?
I have one kitten pawing at my toes and another lounging about 5 feet away. Yay for not!hiding kittens!
I need to download music.
Inspire me.
I am currently on a Motown kick! I just got a bunch of CDs to replace my old cassettes. Tonight is The Supremes Ultimate Collection.
Brandy, you're a fine girl.
I am in LA!
I will babysit!
Yay, kittens!
Download Phantom of the Opera! (Then burn it for me.)