I thought
Zulema's outfit would look good on a shorter woman, but I am surprised that they didn't give her grief for how the bustline fit. It was barely over the nips. I liked Emmett a lot but he was on borrowed time. He was simply not competitive in women's wear. Chloe has always bugged, simply because Ican't shake the thought that her stuff is never innovative enough
her costume was the best among a poor showing.
ETA: no, wait,
Nick's was damn good, too.
Sasha Cohen is on the Tonight Show and she did talk about Project Runway.
Oh, I was very dismayed by
the color choices this week.
And even though I am sick of
Chloe choosing that blue at least it stood out in that
mess of
dull dark colors.
Santino! OMG, I mean I don't doubt that he as skills -- I just doubt that he has any
Also, in the promo
Zulema STEALS Nick's Model!!!! Grrrr, I hope he gets her back next time around.
ita, I thought this post on a friend's livejournal might cheer you a bit.
You're doing good things for hand lovers everywhere.
the Infangelina
That is so wrong. And yet? Hilarious.
BossOfYou abbreviated is BOY.
Yes, but I'd be more inclined to shorten it to Boss.
I don't remember if there was anything else I was going to comment on. Oh... If I could, I'd wish ita's headaches away and then the other issues could be more easily resolved. Alas, if I have that power I haven't yet figured out how to use it.
Today was a much easier day than I was expecting. Tomorrow, however, promises challenges that I have no way of preparing for.
Good luck tomorrow, Aurelia.
How are the kitties?
They are winding down from an hour of very noisy romping. I feel kind bad for my downstairs neighbor. Rosie is still hiding in the mornings (in a place I still haven't found) but she's always out and about when I come home so I guess it's okay. Gilda seems to like sleeping on my legs.
Awww. How is Rosie's respiratory thing?