I knew about Bob Einstein, but I had no idea his brother was Albert Brooks. Weird. They don't even look alike to me.
Speaking of, is India considered a Muslim country? Cuz I didn't think so, but Albert Brooks' new movie takes place mostly in India, and the one-sheet pictures the Taj Mahal (I'm guessing). I mean, I assume there are hundreds of thousands of Muslims in India, but can it really be representative of "The Muslim World"?
sara's suggestion=so much better!
Odd blog-surfing synchronicity:
I was reading a political blog -the last bit I read was:
Abramoff was so closely tied to the Bush Administration that he could, and did, charge two of his clients $25,000 for a White House lunch date and a meeting with the President.
Then the very next blog I read had:
An online casino has a piece of Capt. Kirk. Actor William Shatner has sold his kidney stone for $25,000, with the money going to a housing charity, it was announced Tuesday.
Hmm... a lunch date with the president? or Captain Kirk's kidney stone? Both are worth negative money to me. Unless I could take lunch with the pres and somehow inflict his kidney with Kirk's kidney stone....
I intend to go with "You know you bought this car because it
compact. Fuck off."
I know there are times when there's nowhere else to park...but that's so often not the case.
Speaking of, is India considered a Muslim country?
I tend to think Hindu for India, but I could be completely wrong.
My brother wanted make stickers for SUVs, and more importantly Hummers that said - "Someone in the Saudi Royal Family Loves Me".
Or, another sticker option, "I'm helping Global Warming! Asking me how!"
RE: Watching Love Monkey. Nic Harcourt is a producer on it. HENH! Go KCRW.
And Jason Priestly is in it? WEIRD!
Hindu 80.5%, Muslim 13.4%, Christian 2.3%, Sikh 1.9%, other 1.8%, unspecified 0.1% (2001 census)
The Muslim population is (largely) concentrated in the north west, near Pakistan, so those areas I would think be predominantly Muslim, enough for the purposes of the movie, anyway.
Speaking of, is India considered a Muslim country?
Not in the sense that the film would like it to be, no. (I suspect that they set the film there more out of convenience than ideological accuracy -- shooting in Iran or Afghanistan might have been problematic.)