Just saw a guy who works in our DC office. I haven't seen him in about 4 years, though we have worked together for about 10. He got all squeeee over the way I look - weight loss, hair cut. Nice ego boost.
Now I have a big ole grin on my face.
Signs that Bitches has warped you and you spend too much time on the internets:
I am so unclean.
I would mock you, but I have no idea who he is.
Was he the Dad on Wonder Years?
Let's just say he's no Hugh Laurie.
Yes, the dad on TWY.
So, one of my professors that had agreed to let me make up my exam, has now taken that back and told me, "maybe you should consider retaking this class when you have a better handle on your condition."
Fuck that.
"Dear Professor Know-it-All: Thank-you for your concern. I have been keeping my doctors -- you know, the licensed professionals handling my health care -- up to date with regard to my classes and discussing all possibilities with them with regard to my care and my workload. We had determined that it was not necessary at this time for me to quit everything, but I will inform them of this new developement, i.e., that you're being an asshole. Rot in Hell, (signed) vw"
So, I'm not totally overreacting?