Katie Bee, your employers are surprisingly asshatted, both on the stated purpose of the bonus and in asking for it back. What idjits.
"You don't have to be a weatherman to know which way the wind blows."
I like it.
In mememe work news, there is no new work news. And we had an hour long meeting today to establish this fact. But being laid off at the end of the month would qualify as "news" so I'm calling this good. Next month--who knows?
I really screwed up big time.
Then you just have to tell her this, Nora, before you tell her what makes her your best friend that you might not otherwise say (or something just as sincere) but that she probably would like to hear at any time before offering your belated birthday wishes. It will be okay, although imperfect.
Good news, it is, Calli!
I did, and we're going to see her tomorrow night, and we'll just have to get through it.
I just feel like I totally validated her fears about me getting married and moving away - that I'd forget all about her. 'Cause... I did. her birthday was the 12th. A day or two window, that's one thing. Over a week without that lightbulb going on... that's another.
I just feel like I totally validated her fears about me getting married and moving away - that I'd forget all about her.
It is an awful feeling to think (or know) that you've let down a friend. But, you forgot -- you didn't remember and decide that you didn't have time to acknowledge her birthday because spending time with Tom and new friends was more important. You didn't reject her, you made a mistake. {{{Nora}}} If your friend is half as wonderful as you are, I'm sure she'll forgive you.
Remember the last time he had short hair and was clean shaven he played for the A's and had the worst year of his career
So he's like Sampson?
Beverly, I'm sorry to hear about all those sensitivities. That must be a PITA. I'll let you know if I hear of any good safe moisturizers.
Nora, as someone who's been on the lonely forgotten side, yeah, it hurts, but honesty and sincerity in making it up to her makes it all better. People forget things so don't beat yourself up.
Enjoy the time with your friend, Nora, and I bet that she'll enjoy it, too. I suspect she's looking forward to seeing you -- you're her best friend, after all!
So he's like Sampson?
I hope so. I posted that comparison in my livejournal earlier.
Nora, I betcha your sincere regret and eager desire to make good will make your friend feel as if you think she's special.
The first year I was with DH, he told me that his Mom's birthday was 11/22. Actually, it is 11/2, so we had a good long embarrassing period of ignoring her birthday, and she forgave us anyway.
Thanks everybody for the brackethugs and outrage over my shocking story of dastardly Grinchy employers. I feel quite validated. I am using my Radical Acceptance techniques to focus my attention on good things like Buffistaluv instead of my desire to fret and grit my teeth. I'm outraged, but the situation not going to ruin my whole day like it would have in my morbid depressed brooding teenage years.
Well, we are still indignant on your behalf.
Why oh why must Ritz Camera vex me? Why have they forsaken me? I have been on hold for 16 minutes and I haven't even spoken to anyone! They have charged my card, but show no order in their system for my parents gift. I want to know if it's shipping today or not!