I am seriously disturbed. Our gym has a poster of all the DC superheroes (it may be the Justice League; I'm out of touch.) Anyway, Supes, Wonder Woman, Hawkman, Black Canary, random guys.
And Green Lantern, who is *so* anatomically correct it hurts. Everybody else just has tasteful bulges.
Which GL is it? (Brown hair=Hal. Black hair=Kyle. Black guy=John. Bowl cut=Guy.)
(If it's anatomically-correct Guy, I'm'a have to spork out my eyes.)
(If it's anatomically-correct Guy, I'm'a have to spork out my eyes.)
If it's anatomically-correct John, I'm'a have to join Betsy's gym.
And if it's an anatomically correct Kilowog...
Note to file: Kilowog cock kills thread dead.
It wasn't this poster, in which Supes gets equal time.
Overheard in New York is time suck central.
Conductor: The train's dispatcher has given us a red signal. Thank you for your patience. In just a few minutes we shall return to normalcy!
--F train