I've got an interview for that internship tomorrow. What should I wear?
Actually, I think that my current wardrobe will mostly decide that. My nice shoes got ruined, and everything left can only be worn with pants, not with a skirt. So, plain black shoes. Pants -- either khaki or black. Shirt of some sort. Black sweater set? Pink shirt with darker pink trim at neckline? Blue sweater? Everything like that that I own looks all "Look at me, dressed up to look businesslike," but that may just be that I'm only used to wearing jeans, so anything vaguely businessy seems awkward to me.
I've got an interview for that internship tomorrow. What should I wear?
Can you wear the pink shirt with the black sweater? Because those with black pants would be a nice combo.
Can you wear the pink shirt with the black sweater? Because those with black pants would be a nice combo.
Hmm. I'll have to try it -- the sleeves on the pink shirt are way too long, and the sleeves on the sweater are about right, so I need to see if I can get that to not look silly -- but that does sound good.
Pink & black is always a good combo; in fact, those are the colors I'm wearing to my (second round of) interviews tomorrow.
Thanks, Jilli. The black pants, pink shirt, and black sweater didn't really work -- the sweater just hangs weirdly over the cut of the shirt -- but just black pants, pink shirt seems to be working pretty well. This shirt's being kind of weird at the shoulders, but I think that every fitted shirt is going to crinkle weird somewhere on me.
Bath melts:
Standing water like a bath bomb or running like bubbles?
The bug hair is fab!
And your interview outfit sounds great, Hil.
I am going to be away for six days. Am I crap at packing that I think I am going to need an extra bag? I feel I should be able to do this with just one but that isn't really dealing with shoes and layering needs and such.
New hair: [link]
That is one damn cute, bug. I see you ignored our entreaties to go blonde again, but that's a very pretty red. Great cut.