Can you wear the pink shirt with the black sweater? Because those with black pants would be a nice combo.
Hmm. I'll have to try it -- the sleeves on the pink shirt are way too long, and the sleeves on the sweater are about right, so I need to see if I can get that to not look silly -- but that does sound good.
Pink & black is always a good combo; in fact, those are the colors I'm wearing to my (second round of) interviews tomorrow.
Thanks, Jilli. The black pants, pink shirt, and black sweater didn't really work -- the sweater just hangs weirdly over the cut of the shirt -- but just black pants, pink shirt seems to be working pretty well. This shirt's being kind of weird at the shoulders, but I think that every fitted shirt is going to crinkle weird somewhere on me.
Bath melts:
Standing water like a bath bomb or running like bubbles?
The bug hair is fab!
And your interview outfit sounds great, Hil.
I am going to be away for six days. Am I crap at packing that I think I am going to need an extra bag? I feel I should be able to do this with just one but that isn't really dealing with shoes and layering needs and such.
New hair: [link]
That is one damn cute, bug. I see you ignored our entreaties to go blonde again, but that's a very pretty red. Great cut.
vw, that's a fabulous cut, and a gorgeous color -- and so shiny! You're so pretty, lady!
Trudy -- either standing or running, it'll melt as long as the water is hot enough.
see you ignored our entreaties to go blonde again
No. I didn't, actually. I went in with a picture of my hair blond, and said I wanted that.
It would have been at least $100 more, because we would have had to strip my hair, then add highlights on top of the color. I couldn't afford it. So, red it is.