No egg cups, but the way my family massacred soft-boiled eggs was to whack off the top third of the narrow end and then scoop out both parts into a bowl. Worked for us.
That's what I ended up doing. Good enough for me!
On those rare occasions when the white gets cooked but the yolk doesn't, then it's just wonderful. But that almost never happens.
Ah, but it is very easy to make a perfectly cooked soft-boiled egg:
Place eggs in pan. Cover eggs completely with water. Bring water to a vigorous boil. Once the water is vigorously boiling, remove the pan from the burner. Let eggs sit for a little over 3 minutes (3:20, let's say). **Timing really is crucial here.** As soon as you hit the 3:20 mark, cool the eggs by running cold water over them while they're still in the pan.
Chop off their heads, et voila!
...And super porny pants keeps her title.
It seems to be working out okay, so far. He has to come all teh way out to the kitchen for breakfast and then all the way back down the hall to go to work. Sometimes the cats get in the way, but not enough to make him late, yet.
Bwah! Too cute. Thanks for the giggle. I should've swallowed my hot tea first but this is the price I pay for reading without being properly prepared.
mmm.... soft boiled eggs.
But I have little cube steaks which are going to be turned into steak sandwiches tonight.
When I moved out here, a friend very clearly pointed out the fact that BART is Rapid Transit - not Public transit.
and the tolls are going uip to 4 dollars. - but yes mostly for bridge expansion . ( will this help traffic? May I tell the story of 880 wideing which seems to have help one way, some - but definatly not the other way)
ION, Matt's mom seems to be holding her own. Thank everyone for the ma~~ , the emails, etc. It is makeing a huge difference.
Yay for Matt's mom doing better!
beth, that's great news about Matt's mom. Sending more ~ma.
Man, I haven't had a soft-boiled egg in forever. That sounds good.
Yay for Matt's mom. Matt sent me the nicest e-mail back to my quicky "thinking of you" message. He puts many men to shame.
I have to give my DH a bit of credit. When I told him that I didn't mind driving over tomorrow and explained the economics of it - I didn't get an "I told you so" in return. He just boggled that I knew of a cheap parking lot in the city.
Years ago my father and I stayed at a B&B in Ashland, OR that was "known" for their soft boiled eggs at breakfast. The dining room had a shelf that circled the room with an amazing collection of egg cups. At the beginning of your stay, you chose your cup and it was at your place every morning, whether you liked soft boiled eggs or not. And they had those neat egg-top cutter thingies (technical term).