mmm.... soft boiled eggs.
But I have little cube steaks which are going to be turned into steak sandwiches tonight.
When I moved out here, a friend very clearly pointed out the fact that BART is Rapid Transit - not Public transit.
and the tolls are going uip to 4 dollars. - but yes mostly for bridge expansion . ( will this help traffic? May I tell the story of 880 wideing which seems to have help one way, some - but definatly not the other way)
ION, Matt's mom seems to be holding her own. Thank everyone for the ma~~ , the emails, etc. It is makeing a huge difference.
Yay for Matt's mom doing better!
beth, that's great news about Matt's mom. Sending more ~ma.
Man, I haven't had a soft-boiled egg in forever. That sounds good.
Yay for Matt's mom. Matt sent me the nicest e-mail back to my quicky "thinking of you" message. He puts many men to shame.
I have to give my DH a bit of credit. When I told him that I didn't mind driving over tomorrow and explained the economics of it - I didn't get an "I told you so" in return. He just boggled that I knew of a cheap parking lot in the city.
Years ago my father and I stayed at a B&B in Ashland, OR that was "known" for their soft boiled eggs at breakfast. The dining room had a shelf that circled the room with an amazing collection of egg cups. At the beginning of your stay, you chose your cup and it was at your place every morning, whether you liked soft boiled eggs or not. And they had those neat egg-top cutter thingies (technical term).
One of my peeves is the way the people out here bitch and moan over the $3 Bay Bridge toll. I think they should jack the price of the bridge up, esp. during commuter hours and use some of that cash to subsidize BART and other forms of public transportation so it is cheap and people will be encouraged to use it. There's a separation between the two, however, that cannot be breached. Bridge tolls may only be used to repair the bridge, blah, blah, blah. And BART fares just went up the 1st of the year.
Ahem. I saw your husband tonight on BART on my way to collecting Emmett and driving back and incurring the Bay Bridge toll. I am totally OVER the many many social engineering experiments that involve creating disincentives in public transit through high prices since I have to use ALL of the public and private transit options to make my life function. I have a Fast Pass, a FastTrack and I get a $45 BART card every month. I have been fucked up and down (in the unpleasant fashion) by all these many social engineering experiments including the pay-for-play BART parking lots.
But it was nice to see your husband tonight.
But tell us how you really feel, David.
Hec, in this, like so many other things, you are exceptional.
And my husband does take BART, rather than drive, not because it's cheaper (it isn't -- he can park for free), but because he believes in public transportation and global warming. And, I suspect, because it's easier to do the Sudoku puzzle on the train rather than in the driver's seat.