My bandmate just called to say he was having a reaction to some medicine he was just prescribed and is on his way to the hospital. He wanted to make sure somebody knew where he was. He sounded pretty freaked out so I called our ER doc friend and she called and talked to him. She said he'd been given something with codeine and is having a pretty common reaction to it. She thinks they'll probably just evaluate him, prescribe something different, and release him.
So, some -ma that that's what happens and it's not something scarier would be great right now.
Thanks dog for having a doctor in the family.
ma~~ to your friend lisah
and gneral life ma ~~~~to Raq
And in a confluence of topics, I was just bitching to my co-workers about people who misuse commas and how I must kick their asses.
Chatty!co-worker suggested that I hire myself out as a grammar dominatrix.
Huh,. Tha,t's ve,ry int,,ers,tin,g.
* * * * * *
Hee. I was just running back to Bitches to do exactly what Tommy did. Damn my slow brain.
* * * * * *
Dont tease, Teppy everyone. Its just, not nice if you no what I mean.
You dorks better start saving up your money if you want your asses beat....
After law school I went to grad school and met Perkins.
That last bit was the best part, right?
It changed my life. Email would have been a lonely place without you and that other person who lives on Long Island, now.
There was nothing to prove the guy was even dead.
Has he stopped picking up his mail?
....and the work-related clusterfuck of last week just reared its ugly head.
Steph - it must be catching.
The ugly exempt/non-exempt beast is rearing it's ugly head again. Apparently they DID change my classification for the first two weeks of the year to the higher salary grade, but did not change me to salaried (something they said could not be done), so now on the invoicing half my time is showing up as the higher grade, then it is back to my current grade - ALL BILLED IN HOURLY INCREMENTS.
Stab, stab, stab.
I'm going to take a week away from the board. Not because of anyone or anything here. I am feeling myself slide into a bad place depression wise, and when that happens I tend to hide here, constantly refreshing the page to see if there are new messages, so that I don't have to deal. Then stuff doesn't get done, and I feel more depressed. So, I am going to try to break the pattern and deal with some stuff this week and stay out of here. Profile address is good if anyone needs to/ wants to reach me. Could someone e me if Cash has the baby, so that I am not tempted to constantly come here to check?
sj - take care of yourself. Feel free to ping me if you want to talk, ok?