Steph - it must be catching.
The ugly exempt/non-exempt beast is rearing it's ugly head again. Apparently they DID change my classification for the first two weeks of the year to the higher salary grade, but did not change me to salaried (something they said could not be done), so now on the invoicing half my time is showing up as the higher grade, then it is back to my current grade - ALL BILLED IN HOURLY INCREMENTS.
Stab, stab, stab.
I'm going to take a week away from the board. Not because of anyone or anything here. I am feeling myself slide into a bad place depression wise, and when that happens I tend to hide here, constantly refreshing the page to see if there are new messages, so that I don't have to deal. Then stuff doesn't get done, and I feel more depressed. So, I am going to try to break the pattern and deal with some stuff this week and stay out of here. Profile address is good if anyone needs to/ wants to reach me. Could someone e me if Cash has the baby, so that I am not tempted to constantly come here to check?
sj - take care of yourself. Feel free to ping me if you want to talk, ok?
slide into a bad place depression wise, and when that happens I tend to hide here, constantly refreshing the page to see if there are new messages, so that I don't have to deal.
I do this too. You're probably doing the right thing taking a break. Congratulations for having the self-discipline to do it. It's not easy. I hope you feel better.
Could someone e me if Cash has the baby, so that I am not tempted to constantly come here to check?
I'm not here as often as some others but I'd be glad to be on call for the job if no one else volunteers. Take care of you, bebe. {{{you}}}
After college? Still feel like I'm a bit in this phase, though the calendar would say I lie. But immediately after? I did my first disability rights protest. Almost got arrested, but kind of punked out.
sj, take care of yourself. I can e you from my cell phone or text or call you personally if you would like.
You dorks better start saving up your money if you want your asses beat....
::starts counting money in spare change jar::
I'm going to take a week away from the board.
As has been said, take care of you! {{{sj}}}
I am, for the first time since my Big Career Crisis of nearly two years ago (just before discovering, actually), experiencing pretty regular anxiety.
I blame my decision to start pursuing a personal education on Judaism in a serious, focused way.
I'm scared. Scared of all there is to learn. Scared that I'll eventually choose to go through with it, and commit my life to this big, strange thing. Scared that I'll choose NOT to go through with it, and sign the death warrant on the best relationship of my life. Scared that Rabbis will yell at me or generally be scary. Scared of... all manner of things.
I just started my student teaching today. I should be scared about that! But no. No room.
Scared that Rabbis will yell at me or generally be scary
You don't have to worry about rabbis yelling at you gris. It's the tentacles and razor sharp fangs you have to watch out for.