Plei, how far is Seattle from Portland? In an idle conversation sort of way...
Everyone deserves that, I think, but so few people get that sort of ending.
They do. And I was surprised when I realized how rare it is for someone to be able to pass away at home unless it is something sudden. I am glad we were able to do that for my grandma. She was surrounded by her family and it wasn't something clinical. Not that hospitals and medical care is wrong, just there was nothing to do for her that would help, except ease the pain.
I bought my dad an audiobook via the iTunes Music Store. He got an email giving him an URL to go to but he lost the email. After quite a bit of a rigmarole (most of which was our fault due to my dad's untechiness), I was able to snag it for him. Anyway, in that process I found out about Apple's iTunes Music Store Customer Support. It's not as good as having a phone number, but they might address your issue here, Cass:
eta: I hope it all goes better soon!
Thanks, Spidra. I sent an email - and hopefully edited out some of my snark and vitriol because frankly I realize that I am an emotional wreck and, while not getting to download an iMix is frustrating, it's not really the reason I am melting down. Also email is almost always better than a phone number for me. I unlike teh humans.
Plei, how far is Seattle from Portland? In an idle conversation sort of way...
It's about a two and a half, three hour drive, depending on traffic.
We used to go there for the day about three times a year, but haven't been since pre-Lillian.
So just about as far as LAistas are from me now on a good traffic day. Huh. That is good to know.
How is the darling squeakaboo?
I think I emotionally drained myself tonight for no good reason. I should try and get some sleep soon and just face things again in the morning when I might not have a meltdown because iTunes was mean to me.
I wasn't asleep! Really! Just because I was laying in the papasan with snoozing Mallory for two hours and dreaming...sheesh! I have too much to do today to sleep!
Caffiene is indicated, in large doses.
(shakes head) Bad dreams too. I just read something about Edward Gein, who I'd never heard of before, if you can believe it, and that got mixed up in my head with a case the embassy's currently involved in regarding the disappearance of a cruise ship passenger, [link] and I was being chased around a ship by Gein.
How is the darling squeakaboo?
Snuffly. So I'm up when I should be asleep, because I find it hard to sleep when she's not up to snuff.
(However, I am now going to try.)
In Wally-related news, it seems I have a date for Thursday lunchtime. She grew up in Russia, moved to NZ when a teenager and thence to Australia. She's the one with the daughter, only it turns out said daughter has all-over body hair and retractable claws.
She's the one with the daughter, only it turns out said daughter has all-over body hair and retractable claws.
your date gave birth to Wolverine?