Ugh, Betsy. That's awful.
And I misspelled her name. Oops. Here endeth the Woolly report.
Poor billytea. Maybe this is the time to send a second email--maybe something along the lines of, "Now, the real question is, did I misspell your name because I am stupid; because I made a typo; or did I do for an excuse to send a second email?"
No, see he's taking it slow with the couch. There are regular visits, longing looks... I think they've even spent a significant amount of time snuggling. But actually buying the couch is a big step. You want to be sure it will be forever.
Cass, you're being really mature about this. I admire your strength, mama. (Does your couch know?)
Poor billytea. Maybe this is the time to send a second email--maybe something along the lines of, "Now, the real question is, did I misspell your name because I am stupid; because I made a typo; or did I do for an excuse to send a second email?"
Oh no, now I can use it as an experiment to see if she notices! I'm guessing yes, but if not then it could be worth noting in the file.
Laura, those are some nice looking boys you have. And so tall!
Hi all!
Thanks for the nice comments on the boys. They have always been bigger than their mates. They are turning into young men on me. They are lovely boys. I am blessed.
I got my Toto picture! Thanks vw. Go you with the letter writing. I never have managed that. A couple sentences is about it for my cards, when I manage them.
It's so weird when the start getting big. The past few months, hugging Ben has felt much more like hugging an adult than hugging my baby. *sigh* Well, I suppose I can start making him shovel and take out the trash. *g*
Thanks for all the ~ma and good wishes.
I forgot to mention, when my grandma ws going through a really hard time back in November, and I got the Buffista ~ma on the case, she turned around very quickly for the better, mentally and physically and is doing really well right now. So, thanks so much.
Tired. I'm having such a hard time getting out of bed these days. I need it to be lighter and warmer. Going to Puerto Rico on Saturday may help temporarily, but coming back to the same cold bleakness will suck.
I got my Toto picture! Thanks vw. Go you with the letter writing. I never have managed that. A couple sentences is about it for my cards, when I manage them.
Yay! That was quick! I just mailed them on Saturday. I thought with the holiday, it would take longer than that.
Hee. The boys did shovel when we were visiting my sister. If we had snow here they probably wouldn't have found it fun.
My first born baby has become very huggy lately. He's almost a foot taller than me and weighs 185 pounds. I know part of the huggy behavior is his joy at being so much bigger than me as it's new to him too. He'll be 14 in a couple weeks. Only the peachfuzz on his face gives away his youth.
I got mine, too. So cute!
Laura, when the Family Holt pic arrived, the picture had shifted in the card so that Brendon's head was cut off at about nose level. I swear I thought it was on purpose as a little joke about his height until I set it on the shelf and it shifted back into place.