Heh. Heh heh heh. You said "Uranus."
I love the
thing where Fry makes a Uranus joke, and everyone looks at him confused. Then Farnsworth explains that astronomers had gotten tired of all the Uranus jokes centuries before, and had changed the name of the planet to Urectum.
Eek. Dave just called and wanted to know if he could come down here because his meeting was cancelled. I really want to see him, but I have been wallowing today and my apartment is a mess. This is one of those times I am grateful we live 45 minutes apart.
Heh. Heh heh heh. You said "Uranus."
Dude, you are
their target audience.
On the one hand, you want to stand up and cheer that the kid is actually deeply absorbed in and enthralled by a book -- but, on the other, it's disheartening to have the kid reject things like
The Magic Castle
Half Magic
after one chapter and refuse to even crack the cover of
Prince Caspian
in favor of the 50,000,000th reading of
As per example:
As he ran, Zack cursed his luck. All he wanted was a butt that would settle down and just be a butt. A butt that wouldn't embarrass him in public at every possible opportunity. A butt that wouldn't make rude comments whenever he tried to talk to girls. At the very least, he'd settle for a butt that didn't jump off his body and gas cats in the middle of the night.
Rabelais it ain't.
I love the Futurama thing
Say, that reminds me... Tep, as long as you're here -- Zoidberg is MINE. Ta ever so!
Zoidberg is MINE. Ta ever so!
Suck it, Zahas Smay BITCH!
Not. Going. To. Ask.
See, now I hear my older brother saying "Hey, I do my part!"
...but how...but...I don't...but...
Check out a telephone cord, compare the amount of space it takes up when all coiled up to how far it can stretch when called upon. Same principle. (Hee. I'm introducing Fay to phone sex!)
Although my wee Mohamed, last year (who was very cute, and had big anger-management issues, and is wanted to be a fashion designer or an assassin when he grows up, and who knew all the lyrics to all but 3 of Britney Spears' songs)
That sounds like a movie pitch waiting to happen.
There, there. Don't let your rage get the better of you. Someday you'll have a crustacean of your very own. Just, you know, not MINE.
Ack! A rejection of Half Magic for Uranus would be hard to take. I love Half Magic and all the Edward Eager books.
Try teaching a class of horny Hispanic 14 year olds, caught on that lovely cusp between childhood and adolescence when bodily functions AND anything vaguely sexual is extremely hilarious....and bears about a 1000 repeats.
I have to try to teach around fart AND vibrator jokes. Not to mention the whole class of 24 hooting whenever a girl walks by in the hall.