Try teaching a class of horny Hispanic 14 year olds, caught on that lovely cusp between childhood and adolescence when bodily functions AND anything vaguely sexual is extremely hilarious....and bears about a 1000 repeats.
I have to try to teach around fart AND vibrator jokes. Not to mention the whole class of 24 hooting whenever a girl walks by in the hall.
Try teaching a class of horny Hispanic 14 year olds, caught on that lovely cusp between childhood and adolescence when bodily functions AND anything vaguely sexual is extremely hilarious....and bears about a 1000 repeats.
It probably doesn't help that you are HOTT.
I try to keep it under wraps at work. Hard, but it's all for the greater good.
My girls keep trying to persuade me to shave my eyebrows off and draw them on, but I've convinced them that, while I will make a fool of myself trying to dance to rancheras, the Hispanic brow thing will never happen. I'n fact, I've booked my aethetician, a gorgeous Latina, to come in a talk to my girls about (ostensibly) cosmetology as a career, but we really have a SooperSekrit plan to wean my girls off the Shaven Brows Path.
I am such a wierd teacher. I suspect my priorities MAY be a leetle skewed,
Yeah, I don't think that would look right. It would clash with your natural hottitude, which definitely encompasses your naturally hot eyebrows.
Tropical storm Zeta is still going...and going... [link]
Dude, catching the shaven brows habit while they're still young is
I think so, I really , really do.
Also, grammar is important! And, um...books!
UNfortunately, the HOTT Brows require careful maintenance. But, hey, HOTT Brows. (I just like typing that.)
So here's the deal. This is my last week at work. What does one need to do when leaving a place after 6 years? I mean, other than getting rid of all my porn? (Kidding. What I actually have to get rid of is 5 years worth of CS and Education homework.)
Aw, crap. My email account will expire. Well... fiddlesticks.