Oh. My. God.
You know how you randomly google people whom you've lost touch with? Or, well, maybe that's just me, but anyway, I sometimes try googling my flatmates from when I was at University, as I've lost touch with them all. One lass in particular had a very distinctive name, and a couple of times I've happened across her name - enough to gather that she's still involved in musical theatre, which was her abiding passion at Uni.
I just tried googling her name, and this time I found her on a geekly forum, where she had a podcast about how she'd fallen into online geekdom
after falling head over heels in love with BtVS!!!
Hearing her wax fervent over OMWF - dear sweet weeping mother of heaven. I'm gobsmacked. In the best possible way. I've just joined said community in order to try to email her/message her, and have left her a message basically saying "Yay Joss! Go you! How's things?"
Only, you know, much wordier. 'Cause I'm not good at brevity. Plus - all head explodey right now.
This is just SO cool.
Hee! Fay, that's lovely.
Christmas and Christmas Eve pictures up now.
I skiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimed but I did stop and smell the Batman.
I know only one DC moment that is better than that joke and it is canon and therefore real and wonderful and made my day PINK! Two wonderful, wonderful words.
Pink. Kryptonite.
::is ded from the cute::
('specially 'bored now'. I know it's silly to adore a child I've never
but, damn, Tickybox is unspeakably adorable.)
This is the best Squeakaboo picture EVAH: [link] , mostly b/c of the perfectness of the caption.
Also, The Cold I Got For Christmas Because Santa Is A Right Bastard is really driving me nuts. I think the Blob crawled into my sinus cavity and set up camp.
However, I have spent the day reading comics (Justice League Elite, which ended up being really interesting, and CoIE, which made my head hurt).
And I'm now watching the Princess Diaries, just b/c they're on Disney channel, and I've never seen it before.
Will someone come and make my apartment pretty for Juliana, or at least habitable, while I stretch out on the sofa and watch TV?
I'll give you a cookie.