This is the best Squeakaboo picture EVAH: [link] , mostly b/c of the perfectness of the caption.
Also, The Cold I Got For Christmas Because Santa Is A Right Bastard is really driving me nuts. I think the Blob crawled into my sinus cavity and set up camp.
However, I have spent the day reading comics (Justice League Elite, which ended up being really interesting, and CoIE, which made my head hurt).
And I'm now watching the Princess Diaries, just b/c they're on Disney channel, and I've never seen it before.
Will someone come and make my apartment pretty for Juliana, or at least habitable, while I stretch out on the sofa and watch TV?
I'll give you a cookie.
Perkins, you need Roomba.
Dude, I'm in love with a snarky robot. AND... what's that green light?... IT'S RECHARGED!
The Dubious Lily and the Fuzzy Thing pictures are hysterical. She's darling and her mother is gorgeous. [link]
Lillian is
that, and a bag of chips.
EDIT: I did a bad thing. Shhh!
There's a comicbook thread, Almare: "The Jossverse in Other Media"
Sorryt. I figured since CtIC wasn't Joss centered, it would be okay and I realize I did the bad thing now. Sorry!