Yo - peoples. It is TOO quiet in here.
I'm waiting for one person to send in a report so I can slap a cover letter on it, copy it and mail it. Then I can GO HOME.
Anyone near Redding wanna go on a mission for me to hunt this dude down and MAKE him hit send?!?!?
My best friend lives in Redding! She's always up for hunting dudes down. You want me to call her?
I'm off work until Tuesday. I have tons of tea and no Splenda. Only one of these things is bad.
A work friend gave me a few packets of Mango tea cause she knows I drink tea like crazy here....but I don't like it. Luckily she is not in today, so the remaining packets will just go poof.
Matt worked from home 'til about 10. I have to go into work today. It is going to be DEADLY DULL. I'm thinking of various ways to liven up the library....otherwise it will probbably mean the death of an 8-12 yr old boy, just 'casue they are driving me crazy and I have nothing else to do.
eta: I swear I type in code
Poor Harvey cat. He was woken up by my cat stacking being too loud.
Not the first time I've heard about it, but still - weasel poop coffee. ick. Presumably that coffee REALLY tastes like ass.
Groceries have been shopped. Cats have been fed (and disturbed because I washed their food bowls and nothing freaks out a puppycat like not having food Right In Front Of Her.). Dishes have been done. Plans have been made with the fix-it guy to once again fix my faucet (kittens on "I'm getting a new one.") while I am gone. Laundry has been put off due to sloth and time restraints. Must clean cat box, shower, pack an overnight bag and head up to the folks now. Hoping for a night shift tonight.
Anyone ever notice that (.)(.) looks like boobies? Cause it can't just be me. Not in this crowd.
She said, hand to forehead, "He's crying because he's so worried about me." And she was serious.
Funniest. Kid. Evar.
I had conjunctivitis once. *shudder*
We went to a matinee of Walk the Line. Reese Witherspoon has moved from "cute" to "beautiful" in my book.
DH has to find a suit for this Spring. He's notoriously picky and hard to fit. He has NO idea what he wants and is trying to research material, cut, patterns and style. This is a man who owns two pairs of shoes, two pairs of jeans and has had the same windbreaker jacket for seven years. Our excursions for suit shopping have often ended in arguments and tears.
I just want to hire a personal shopper for him for this particular event.
t raises hand
I'll do it! I love shopping for and with men!
I'll do it! I love shopping for and with men!
I practically guarantee you'd want to smack him after an hour. "What's worsted wool?" "What the hell is seersucker?" "Is linen cotten?" *sigh*