And you two? No craziness. No malice. No malingering; just kindness and professionalism and what kind of crack are these people on?
I am stunned and horrified by all of the hideous work stories I've been hearing lately. Katie Bee, Daniel, Fay...there are no words. Oh wait...yes there are. They just aren't words I should be saying if I want to avoid getting coal in my stocking.
I'm so sorry.
OK, is there anyway that Friday the 23=Friday the 13, because this has been the day from HELL around here.
And I'm saying that, with some sheepishness, as someone who is suddenly greatful that all that happened to me today was getting my car stolen.
I've said this too much recently (in one way or another), but here it is again:
Also, 2005? EAT SHIT AND DIE!!!! Ordinarily I'd say "Eat shit and live" because I think that could be the more unpleasant prospect, but I think I want 2005 in my currently metaphorical rear view mirror ASAP.
as someone who is suddenly greatful that all that happened to me today was getting my car stolen
See, this is the kind of qualifier that nobody should ever have to utter.
I'm so sorry about your car, Frank. Granted, nobody's bleeding or missing a limb or fired, but it's still a huge load of misery to get flopped in your lap first thing in the morning right before Christmas.
I would tell 2005 to kiss my ass, but 2005 is unworthy of my ass. 2005 can go kiss Tom Delay's indicted ass, is what it can kiss.
What a suck ass day! {{Daniel}}{{Fay}}{{Frank}} May 2006 bring much better things to your life. And to all the rest of the Bitches. Damn, this year can't end soon enough!
Frank, I'm so sorry about the car.
So I found out a few hours ago that my DxH hasn't yet told his mother or brother about the impending divorce.
did I find out? Because they sent me presents.
Okay, this needs to stop now. BAD 2005. No cookie.
You're getting a divorce? I'm so sorry.
Gud, yep. It's been in the works since last spring, though I didn't announce it to the board until the fall.
On the upside, out of that sadness came one wonderful thing--I ended up falling in love with some craxy Buffista in a kilt.
Oh Kristin, how chicken-shit of him.
2005, you are on notice - one more week...make it GOOD.
Frank, it is exceedingly crappy that your car got stolen. You have my sympathies. Also, I would like to include the thief in my list of people I would like to duck tape together.