I hope the nausea slinks back to Hec's paycheck person, where it belongs. Soonest.
Actually, I'm feeling generous. I'd like to take up a collection on the paycheck person's behalf. Anyone with any spare nausea, itchy spots, boils, blisters, inexplicable funky smells under their fingernails, crusty dry patches, carbuncles, scabs, heartburn, chipped teeth and dandruff, please send it on to Paycheck Person, wrapped up with a big red bow. So festive!
it's cyclically not possible for me to be pregnant
Never say never! Seriously. Some women ovulate more than once a month.
ION, I got waxed for the first time today. Holy. Sweet. Weeping. Jesuzmayhem.
t ships psoriasis, wonky shoulder, and the terrifying possibility of multiple ovulation to Paycheck Person
Hya. Sitting at home today, listening to the movers move my crap around. This is really hard, actually. Gynegh.
Ugh, Juliana.
You will get through this, and in the mean time, hugs.
{{juliana}} I'm so sorry. Like Perkins said, it will get better. Hang on.
sits staring at the little paper in front of her that holds her bonus information
still staring
still staring
picks up little paper and hold it to her tight tight tight
juliana, I'm just so sorry that you have to go through this; but I have total faith that you are brave and strong enough to survive it and not be broken by it. My cell number should be floating somewhere around your gmail account if you need to rant or vent.
Some women ovulate more than once a month.
Yeah, but I've been monitoring fairly diligently, and unless the peesticks fib I haven't managed even once this month so far. Which is typical for me; without BC pills, I average 5 or 6 periods a year and always have.
When I was a kid, I came across a nauseated kid in some book, I can't remember what or by whom, who spelled it "gnawsher." Which always seemed a much more viscerally true spelling than the official one.
Juliana, strength to you.